Tag Archives: owear

Flat Tarps

“Beaks”? We don’t need no stinkin’ beaks!
(or tent stakes or poles for that matter)

Backpacking Tarps

The lightest and most versatile of shelters, and can be used for a place for teaching out of the sun or rain. Their set up can inspire craftsmanship among students. They are used by many major outdoor schools and savvy go light backpackers everywhere. Our tarps are available in various weights of nylon with a thick waterproof coat of urethane or an ultralight silicone coating. To add strength, sewn on webbing loops are used instead of grommets for tying the tarp out  and are also reinforced with an extra layer of fabric at high stress points.  Custom size tarps also available.

Flat Tarps TM
We coined the term “Flat Tarp” to distinguish our rectangular and square tarps from the
tarps with curves (catenary “Cat Tarps”) cut into the seams. A Flat Tarp allows for more pitching
options in many shapes, while a Cat Tarp allows a taunt set up with fewer ties out, but is limited
to a specific shape of shelter. Reinforced center tie outs allow a flat tarp to be set up sealed close to the ground on the sides and one end like the photo. This without the limiting shape of “beaks”. For those who want to go light (pun intended) but enjoy tarp
craft while using natural features to set up camp, a square or rectangular tarp can
be set up in many ways (see bottom of page).

tarpinstructorsetupfront copy

TarpFlyingDiamondfront copytarpdinkTarp Set up copy


Filed under flattarp